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10 warning signs and symptoms of Diabetes you need to know!

1 November 2021 Categories: Better Health Author: Michael Davis
Speaking with a sleep doctor can decrease your risk of developing Diabetes.

Did you know that having untreated Sleep Apnea is medically proven to increase your risk of developing Diabetes? November is Diabetes Awareness Month in Canada, and Snore MD wants to help you recognize the signs and symptoms early.

Type 2 Diabetes is a disorder causing an imbalance in a person’s blood sugar levels. It is often caused by resistance to insulin or an inability to produce enough insulin naturally. This can result in devastating health complications such as stroke, heart disease, and crippling nerve pain.

Prior to being diagnosed, patients often exhibit Pre-Diabetes, a condition that can lead to diabetes in most patients if it is not managed appropriately. Pre-Diabetes patients often present with the following signs and symptoms, if you or a loved one have any of these, you should seek the advice of your family doctor soon:

  1. Frequent urination (Nocturia)
  2. Increased blood sugar levels cause the kidneys to remove excess sugar by filtering it out of the blood. This can lead to more urine production, particularly at night.
  3. Constant hunger
  4. The digestive system breaks food down into glucose which Pre-Diabetics are unable to move into their cells. This impairment of nutrient transport often results in inadequate energy levels and the feeling of constant hunger.
  5. Chronic Fatigue
  6. Fatigue may occur as a result of insufficient sugar being moved from the bloodstream into the body’s cells. This can negatively impact energy levels and cause people with Pre-Diabetes to feel excessively tired.  
  7. Foot Tingling or Numbness
  8. When blood sugar levels are too high, as found in Pre-Diabetes, it impairs blood flow to the cells. This can compromise cellular function resulting in numbness and pain; This is also known as neuropathy. Neuropathy often worsens over time and can increase the risk of developing dangerous health conditions which, left untreated, may require amputation. 
  9. Skin Patchiness
  10. Patches of dark skin forming along the creases of the neck, calves, or armpits can also indicate an increased risk of Diabetes. These patches usually feel soft and velvety.

The Link between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and a heightened risk of developing Diabetes is well known in the medical community; if you or a loved one exhibits any one of these symptoms, we encourage you to discuss it with your healthcare practitioner. 

To help bring awareness to Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes this November, drop by one of our 14 clinics, conveniently located across Western Canada. Snore MD provides free, same-day sleep testing and is happy to serve you 6-7 days a week. For more information or to book an appointment online, please visit us at

About the Author:

Ally Robertson is an experienced Registered Respiratory Therapist and Sleep Clinician with Snore MD. Her transition from critical care to community-based medicine was spurred by a desire to help make healthcare more accessible for Canadians. She is always inspired by people and organizations that invest in the health and wellbeing of others. 

Michael - optimal care director
Michael Davis

Michael Davis is Snore MD's Director of Optimal Patient Care and community awareness. Driven by a passion for the quality of everyday life, Michael became a Respiratory Therapist in 2009 to help Canadians sleep better. With experience in critical care medicine, sleep medicine and pulmonary disorders, Michael leads a Dream Team of sleep experts to help Canada Sleep Better!

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