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Welcome to Our Langford Sleep Clinic

Everyone can benefit from restful sleep. The problem is, too few of us actually enjoy it on a regular basis. Statistics indicate that two out of every five Canadians have experienced some form of sleep disorder at some point in their lives.

A lack of proper sleep can result in a range of symptoms, including drowsiness, inability to concentrate, irritability, and disorientation. If you find that you toss and turn at night, or your partner tells you that you snore constantly, you might suffer from a condition known as sleep apnea.

Conveniently located in Langford, our sleep clinic supports Sooke, Colwood, Goldstream, and neighbouring areas – helping to build a healthier community. Our doors are open; visit us to start your journey to a good night’s sleep.

Belmont market

(Opposite Thrifty Foods)
#109 3005 Merchant Way
Langford BC
V9B 0W9
Clinic Hours Regular hours
Mon: 9am - 5pm
Tue: 9am - 5pm
Wed: 9am - 5pm
Thu: 9am - 5pm
Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat: 9am - 3pm
Sun & Holidays: Closed
langford map

Meet Our Dream Team

Our Snore MD Langford dream team includes registered Respiratory Therapists, and other sleep experts, who have extensive knowledge of treating sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. We are happy to work with your family doctor or medical specialist to find the best sleep treatment for you. Our mission is for you to get the best sleep possible to better your health.

Have a question or think you may have sleep apnea? Feel free to walk into our Langford clinic or book a same-day appointment to speak to our clinical coordinator today.

meagan snore md langford clinic

Meet Meagan, Sleep Clinician

Everybody sleeps. It’s a vital part of being human. Without a good night’s sleep every night so many things can happen. Being able to educate and help people get a better night’s sleep is so rewarding. We get to work harder so you can sleep longer.

My career is my biggest accomplishment in life. I have always wanted to help people and put positive energy back into the world. Being with Snore MD I can provide exceptional customer service while still learning something new everyday!

I love being able to build a rapport with patients. Getting to know them to better help them is important. One technique and treatment may not be the best for every patient but when you learn about them you can provide them the best service to help them.

Caerra Snore MD Langford Clinic

Meet Cearra, Clinical Coordinator

I’ve always been fascinated by the science of sleep and its impact on our overall well-being. Plus, helping people improve their sleep quality is incredibly rewarding!

My biggest accomplishment in life is my long term career in different areas of  health care from working in a pharmacy for 11 years to a naturopathic office for almost 3 and now into sleep health and continuing to challenge myself and keep learning.

The best part about working with patients is being able to make a positive difference in their lives. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see their progress and know that I’ve played a part in their journey to better health.

carrie snore md langford clinic

Meet Carrie, Clinical Coordinator

Interesting enough, what brought me to SnoreMD was my husband. He has been struggling with loud snoring for a long time. He was referred for an HSAT and I did some research on the company at that time. What I saw online really impressed me as far as how we treat our patients, and how SnoreMD treats their employees. It piqued my curiosity for sure as I was looking to get back into the full time work force after taking time off to raise our son. Coincidentally I met a friend for lunch a few days later, and she was gushing about this job she had started since last seeing her. She was telling me how great the company was, and how well they treat their patients and employees. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that again the company she was referring to was SnoreMD. I took this as a sign to apply for a job immediately. One thing led to another and now I work here! I feel like this career chose me in some ways – I absolutely love the environment, the team, and our ability to really help our patients in an impactful way.
Hands down my son and my husband. My son is 15 now and raising him has been the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. My husband and I have been together for 20 years in July. It hasn’t always been easy keeping our little family together but we’re still going strong and that makes me very proud.
I love the rapport that we build with patients. I love getting to know them and what makes them tick. I love being part of their support system and making sure they feel really seen and heard in all our interactions. Remembering small details to make them realize they are important and they matter. I love being kind and respectful to every individual that I come across both at work and outside of work. Sometimes a small gesture from a stranger can mean the world.
tory Snore MD shelbourne Clinic

Meet Tory, Sleep Clinician / Regional Manager

My drive to help others brought me into the wonderful world of healthcare, specifically becoming a Registered Respiratory Therapist. I knew a career in sleep was for me when I saw the huge improvements in so many areas of my patients’ lives, and having the ability to follow them long-term and develop such a great rapport with them is so rewarding.

My biggest accomplishment in life is moving from Edmonton AB (where I lived almost all my life) to Victoria BC, with my wonderful husband and fur babies, to pursue my passion of working with the best team to give the best treatment to my patients.

What I love most about working with patients is seeing how happy they become when they start to get a good sleep. I love hearing all their stories about all the things they can do now, and hearing how I changed their lives and the lives of the family and friends around them.

100s Of Happy Patients

Serving Langford and Greater Victoria, we guarantee you a good night’s sleep

If you are experiencing sleep issues, don’t delay getting help—we’re right here. Our Langford sleep clinic is open six days a week. Snore MD believes that to build a healthier community, our doors need to be open. We provide same-day appointments and there is never a waitlist. Nothing should prevent you from getting treatment, which is why you can connect with us directly.

We proudly serve the communities surrounding Langford and Victoria, including Colwood, Goldstream, Metchosin, Millstream, and Sooke. Snore MD’s Vancouver Island sleep clinic is your answer to getting a good night’s sleep.

SnoreMD Premium Care

Canadians trust their sleep to Snore MD.

Unlimited Expert Care & Support, In-clinic or Virtual
Remote Monitoring & Follow Up Care Calls to Ensure Success
Free Unlimited Purified & Distilled Water
Lifetime Mask & CPAP Trade-in Savings + Rebate Offers
You're Healthier & More Energized Life, Guaranteed!
12 Easy, Interest Free Payments Option

Sleep Treatment And What To Expect

Come to our Langford sleep apnea clinic for help with your sleep issues. Start by completing a simple information form and get set up with an at-home sleep test for two nights. The results of this test will help our professional tailor a sleep treatment plan for you which may include CPAP Therapy (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). You can rest assured that you will receive quality care from our professional sleep clinicians.

Contact our Langford Sleep Apnea clinic and experience Care for Life!
