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Book your Doctor Prescribed Home Sleep Test Set-up Appointment Now

Action Required – Book your Doctor Prescribed Home Sleep Test Set-up Appointment Now

Please use the calendar below to book your home sleep test set up appointment

You will wear a small device on your chest, on top of your sleep attire, during the two nights at your home. It’s easy and comfortable

Please plan to return the device after the two nights of testing

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Please note that you will have to return the sleep test device after two nights.

Important points to remember:

  1. You will wear a small device on your chest during sleeptime, it is painless and is worn over your sleep shirt
  2. You will sleep with the device for 2 nights, For example, if your appt is a Monday, you will wear the device during sleep Monday and Tuesday night, and return the device Wednesday morning.
  3. The results of your test will be shared with you and your referring practitioner
  4. Learn More About your Doctor Prescribed Free Home Sleep Test
  5. Please bring your health care card and your extended health benefit card
  6. If you are currently using a CPAP machine, please stop using the CPAP three days before your Home Sleep Test appointment