Home Sleep Apnea Test – Intake Form Please complete the questions below ASAP Required * This field is hidden when viewing the formpidThis field is hidden when viewing the formcid Mandatory *Have you noticed or been told you snore loudly and often?* Yes No After being awake for an hour do you still feel groggy or unrested most days?* Yes No Has anyone ever said you have pauses in breathing during the night? Sometimes these pauses are loud, like choking or gasping…* Yes No Has a Physician diagnosed you with High Blood Pressure in the last 12 months or are you currently taking any medications for High Blood Pressure?* Yes No Height?*4 ft. 6 in / 137cm4 ft. 7 in / 139cm4 ft. 8 in / 142cm4 ft. 9 in / 144cm4 ft. 10 in / 147cm4 ft. 11 in / 149cm5 ft. 0 in / 152cm5 ft. 1 in / 154cm5 ft. 2 in / 157cm5 ft. 3 in / 160cm5 ft. 4 in / 162cm5 ft. 5 in / 165cm5 ft. 6 in / 167cm5 ft. 7 in / 170cm5 ft. 8 in / 172cm5 ft. 9 in / 175cm5 ft. 10 in / 177cm5 ft. 11 in / 180cm6 ft. 0 in / 182cm6 ft. 1 in / 185cm6 ft. 2 in / 187cm6 ft. 3 in / 190cm6 ft. 4 in / 193cm6 ft. 5 in / 195cm6 ft. 6 in / 198cm6 ft. 7 in / 200cm6 ft. 8 in / 203cm6 ft. 9 in / 205cm6 ft. 10 in / 208cm6 ft. 11 in / 210cm7 ft. / 213cmWeight?*85lb / 39kg90lb / 41kg95lb / 43kg100lb / 45kg105lb / 48kg110lb / 50kg115lb / 52kg120lb / 55kg125lb / 57kg130lb / 59kg135lb / 61kg140lb / 64kg145lb / 66kg150lb / 68kg155lb / 70kg160lb / 73kg165lb / 75kg170lb / 77kg175lb / 80kg180lb / 82kg185lb / 84kg190lb / 86kg195lb / 89kg200lb / 91kg205lb / 93kg210lb / 95kg215lb / 98kg220lb / 100kg225lb / 102kg230lb / 105kg235lb / 107kg240lb / 109kg245lb / 111kg250lb / 114kg255lb / 116kg260lb / 118kg265lb / 120kg270lb / 123kg275lb / 125kg280lb / 127kg285lb / 130kg290lb / 132kg295lb / 134kg300lb / 136kg305lb / 139kg310lb / 141kg315lb / 143kg320lb / 145kg325lb / 148kg330lb / 150kg335lb / 152kg340lb / 155kg345lb / 157kg350lb / 159kg355lb / 161kg360lb / 164kg365lb / 166kg370lb / 168kg375lb / 170kg380lb / 173kg385lb / 175kg390lb / 177kg395lb / 180kg400lb / 182kg405lb / 184kg410lb / 186kg415lb / 189kg420lb / 191kg425lb / 193kg430lb / 195kg435lb / 198kg440lb / 200kg445lb / 202kg450lb / 205kg455lb / 207kg460lb / 209kg465lb / 211kg470lb / 214kg475lb / 216kg480lb / 218kg485lb / 220kg490lb / 223kg495lb / 225kg500lb / 227kgThis field is hidden when viewing the formBMIBirthdate?*YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920MonthMonth123456789101112DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Please Double Check Your Date Of BirthThis field is hidden when viewing the formBMIIsAboveFemaleThis field is hidden when viewing the formBMIIsAboveMaleThis field is hidden when viewing the formAgeThis field is hidden when viewing the formAgeAtOrOverFiftyThis field is hidden when viewing the formAgeUnder16Is your Neck Size Greater than 16 inches (Larger than normal, usually a shirt size of XXL or larger)?* Yes No Gender?* Male Female This field is hidden when viewing the formStep1ScorePlease select any of the following that applies to you. You may not be eligible for a home sleep test with any of the below. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE, LEAVE BLANK: Are you currently prescribed/using opioid medications for a sustained period greater than 6 months? (Note: Marijuana and post surgery treatment is excluded) Have you had a Stroke within the last 12 months? Have you had Consistent Irregular Heartbeats diagnosed by a Medical Doctor within the last 12 months? Are you wheelchair bound? Do you have ALS (Lou Gehrig’s) or any other Neuromuscular Condition? Do you have uncontrolled Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)? Do you have significant/severe COPD or Pulmonary Fibrosis (such that it impacts your quality of life) example, unable to walk a flight of stairs without pausing? In the last 5 years, have you ever slept in a hospital sleep lab and been diagnosed with insomnia by a doctor following that hospital sleep test? Are you currently on Kidney Dialysis with more than one treatment session per week? You indicated that you had Consistent Irregular Heartbeats within the last 12 months – Is this being controlled by Medication?* Yes No This field is hidden when viewing the formArythmiaAndStrokeThis field is hidden when viewing the formStep2ScorePrimary InsuranceAISH Application Processing CentreAlberta Blue CrossCanada LifeCanada Life Public ServiceCanwestChamber of CommerceClaimsecureCo-OperatorsCoughlinD.A Townley Insurance ProcessDesjardinsUnsureEmpire LifeEquitable LifeFirst Nations Health Authority (FNHA/NIHB)GreenshieldGroupsourceIndustrial AllianceManitoba Blue CrossManulife Affinity (Individual Plans #1777F)Manulife Group BenefitsMaximumMedavie Blue CrossMinistryMy Group HealthNone (Patient Has No Insurance)Olympia BenefitsOtherPacific Blue CrossParole Board (For Parolees with Equipment)Refuse to GiveRWAMSimply BenefitsSSQ (Part of Provider Connect)SunlifeTeamstersWaterfront Employers of BCPersonal Health Number Δ